Agropecuarias y de Alimentos

Barras energéticas caseras sin hornear.

  • Categoría: Pandilla Kids (3ro., 4to., 5to. y 6to. Año de primaria)
  • Área de participación: Agropecuarias y de Alimentos
  • Autor: Flores Allan Montenegro Flores ()


El presente trabajo consiste en elaborar barras energéticas sin horno, para lo cual reunimos semillas y cereales de fácil alcance como semillas de girasol, avena,almendra, nuez,chía,amaranto entre otras.Estos cereales los podemos adquirir en supermercados,mercados de colonias o hasta en nuestras mismas tiendas de la esquina o incluso puede ser que ya los tengamos en la despensa de nuestra casa.

Las barras son de fácil de elaboración ya que sólo implican la mezcla de los cereales que más nos guste y preferentemente, que tengan alto contenido de minerales y aceites buenos; refrigerar la mezcla por un periodo máximo de 4 horas y finalmente el corte en forma de barras para su fácil transportación y fácil transportación y consumo, un punto principal en nuestra receta es que no se ocupa horno casero.

Pregunta de Investigación

¿Cómo elaborar barras energéticas con semillas y cereales para aportar energía?

Planteamiento del Problema

Actualmente con el ritmo de vida rápida que se tiene entre las personas, muchas veces se olvidan de consumir sus alimentos en horarios adecuados. Estas barras energéticas es una alternativa para poder consumir de manera rápida y sobre todo con valor nutricional, un alimento que les permita tener energía en lo que se consumen sus alimentos necesarios.


Actualmente nutriologos se han dado a la tarea de conocer la contribución de los alimentos las barras energéticas caseras sin horno; estarán hechas de semillas y cereales como los siguientes:-Avena: Es un cereal muy completo y saludable; aporta energía, vitamina E, B6 y B5, ademas como minerales como hierro, selenio, manganeso y cobre.-Nuez: Es un fruto seco que proviene de la semilla del nogal. Contienen antioxidantes poderosos, grasas omega 3, cobre, manganeso, proteínas y carbohidratos.-Girasol: Es una semilla rica en mineral como fósforo, potasio, calcio y magnesio. Nos ayudan a la memoria y fortalecen el sistema inmune. contienen gran cantidad de antioxidantes, fibra vitamina E potasio, magnesio y fósforo, omega 3, 6 y 9.-Almendras: Es una semilla del fruto del almendro dulce, tiene gran cantidad de fósforo, calcio y hierro. Proporcionan mucha energía, proteínas, minerales, vitaminas y fibra.-Amaranto: Es un cereal elaborado a partir de una de las plantas más nutritivas del mundo, por su alto contenido de proteínas, calcio, ácido fólico y vitamina C.-Chia: Se pensaba que era un cereal, pero investigaciones nos indica que es una semilla libre de gluten. Tiene una elevada concentración de omega 3, minerales como hiero, selenio, magnesio, calcio, proteínas de alta calidad y fósforo.Todas estas semillas y cereales, por la gran concentración de grasas buenas, minerales, proteínas y vitaminas; sin duda ayudarán a darle a nuestro cuerpo una dosis de energía natural y nutritiva.Análogamente se han reconocido compuestos en las barras que contribuyen a disminuir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades y dar energía; también a aumentar la densidad, es por ello que nos hemos dado a la tarea de identificar semillas con proteína de alto valor; como las que hemos mencionado. Una de las plantas alimenticias que no se habían explotado en su totalidad ¨La chia¨, olvidada por siglos; ha sido retomada y se a descubierto como un super alimento.Es por ello que en nuestro proyecto realizaremos ¨Barras energéticas¨ para que las podamos consumir.Energía: Es la facultad o poder para efectuar un trabajo.Las barras energéticas han proliferado recientemente, estilos de vida ocupados y la reciente demanda de los consumidores han llevado al consumo de alimentos y snacks como fuente rápida de nutrición.Biliografía: internet


  • Elaborar barras con base en semillas y cereales de manera artesanal y sin horno.Utilizar ingredientes económicos y naturales.Aportar de forma natural energía al cuerpo.


Me dí cuenta que a veces las personas no tenemos tiempo de consumir alimentos nutritivos ni baratos, por ello decidí producir mis propias barras energéticas demostrando que pueden ser elaboradas de una forma sana y práctica y económica,


  • Sí las barras energéticas  resultan económicas por  que están  hechas con semillas que uno tengan en casa, entonces será más fácil el consumo   de ellas y lograremos una mejor calidad de vida.

Método (materiales y procedimiento)


-1 taza de avena

-1/2 taza de semillas de girasol

-1/2 taza de almendras trituradas

-1/2 taza de chía

-1/2 de taza de nuez

– 2 cucharadas soperas de miel

-1/2 de sirope de agave

-1 cucharada de mantequilla de maní.

-1 recipiente bowl

-2 hojas de papel encerado del tamaño de la charola




1.En el bowl mezclamos la mantequilla de maní, el sirope e agave y la cucharada de miel.

2.Agregamos la avena y las semillas, mezclamos bien con la pala hasta tener una consistencia no muy humeda.

3.Cubrimos la bandeja con papel encerado.

4.Vaciamos la mzecla a la bandeja cubierta y cubrimos con papel encerado.

5.Con un rodillo aplanamos y extendemos bien.

6.Metemos la charola al refrigerador para que se endurezca y se compacte todo y se deja por 4 horas como mínimo.

7.Sacamos de la nevera cortamos en cuadros y disfrutamos.


Se conserva en refrigeración dos semanas, se recomienda reservar en moldes de plástico.

Galería Método


Como resultado de nuestro proyecto obtenemos pequeños snacks en forma de cuadrado que podemos disfrutar en la escuela, en la oficina, en la calle y en nuestras casas como un postre.

Galería Resultados


De acuerdo a lo que se investigó podemos concluir que las barras energéticas caseras tienen un alto contenido de nutrientes, mismos que arrojó nuestra investigación y que desconocíamos, tales como lo beneficios de la chía.


Di a probar a mis familiares las barras y me pude dar cuenta que tienen un sabor muy agradable y ricoademás como snack nos permite sin mayor problema un aguante sin ingerir alimentos de aproximadamente de 2 a 3 horas; tiempo adecuado para llegar a consumir nuestros alimentos más fuertes. Sin mayor problema nos dan saciedad.

Pude constatar que son económicas, puesto que cada barra al final nos costó 3 pesos por pieza realizarla.




Enciclopedia ilustrada cumbre

Barras energéticas caseras sin hornear.


  • The present work consists of producing energy bars without an oven, for which easy-to-reach seeds and cereals are gathered, such as sunflower seeds, oats, almonds, walnuts, chia, amaranth, among others. These cereals can be bought in supermarkets, markets of the colony or even our own corner stores or you can even have them in the pantry of our house. The bars are easy to prepare and only involve mixing the cereals that we like the most and preferably, which contain a high content of minerals and good oils; refrigerate the mixture for a maximum period of 4 hours and finally the cut in the form of bars for easy transportation and consumption. A main point in our recipe is that the homemade oven is not used. Our bars, besides being ready in less than a day, allow us to nourish ourselves and take care of our health. It is important that the real mind people know as the process they can carry out anywhere to be able to consume them when it is reached; This is mainly to avoid the consumption of food that damages so much health, besides contributing to the saving of each one of the pockets by not spending on scrap in the street. For us as children with a lot of physical and mental activity it is important to consume food and especially seeds that help us to perform better in our studies and in our daily activities.

Research Question

How to make energy bars based on seeds and cereals to provide energy?

Problem approach

Currently with the rapid pace of life that people have, they often forget to consume their food at appropriate times. These energy bars is an alternative to be able to consume quickly and especially with nutritional value, a food that allows them to have energy in which their necessary food is consumed.


Currently nutritionists have been given the task of knowing the contribution of food homemade energy bars without an oven; They will be made of seeds and cereals like the following:
-Avena: It is a very complete and healthy cereal; It provides energy, vitamin E, B6 and B5, as well as minerals such as iron, selenium, manganese and copper.
-Nuez: It is a dried fruit that comes from the walnut seed. They contain powerful antioxidants, omega 3 fats, copper, manganese, proteins and carbohydrates.
-Girasol: It is a seed rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. They help us remember and strengthen the immune system. They contain a large amount of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, omega 3, 6 and 9.
-Almonds: It is a seed of the sweet almond fruit, it has a lot of phosphorus, calcium and iron. They provide a lot of energy, proteins, minerals, vitamins and fiber.
-Line: It is a seed originating from a plant in Egypt, although the flaxseed we consume comes from Canada and the United States. It contains omega 3, proteins and vitamin E, is very effective to combat constipation, is a natural remedy for bad digestion, gastritis, heartburn or heartburn.
-Chía: It was thought that it was a cereal, but research indicates that it is a gluten-free seed. It has a high concentration of omega 3, minerals such as iron, selenium, magnesium, calcium, high quality proteins and phosphorus. Some of the benefits of chia are:
-Control cravings. -The seeds of the chia are full of fiber so they are a good choice, they are easy to digest because they create a feeling of fullness that help us control ourselves.
– Its flavor is very soft similar to that of the walnut.
-Absorb between 10-12 times your weight in water which helps keep us well hydrated.
-They are a healthy source of omega 3, which is good for the central nervous system, for the cells and for our vital organs; what helps keep our skin and hair shiny. It is proven that chia seeds contain more omega 3 than salmon.
-Protect from the harmful effects of the environment such as pollution, tobacco smoke or UVA rays.
-Generan an extra contribution and energy because they contain twice the potassium than banana and twice as much protein as any vegetable.
-They help to lose weight thanks to the fiber they contain, since they help the digestive process and control hunger. When they come into contact with water, they form a hypocaloric layer that increases their weight tenfold in the stomach.
– Increase muscle mass and regenerate tissues due to its high protein content.
-Calm joint pain due to its high content of omega 3 which provides anti-inflammatory properties.
-Prurative and antioxidant properties. Chia seeds help eliminate liquids and toxins, regulate the intestinal flora and prevent cellular oxidation.
All these seeds and cereals, for the great concentration of good fats, minerals, proteins and vitamins; They will certainly help to give our body a dose of natural and nutritious energy. Analogously, compounds have been recognized in the bars that contribute to reduce the risk of suffering diseases and give energy; also to increase the density, that is why we have set ourselves the task of identifying seeds with high value protein; like the ones we mentioned.
One of the food plants that had not been exploited in its entirety “La chía”, forgotten for centuries; It has been resumed and has been discovered as a superfood. That is why in our project we will make “Energy Bars” so that we can consume them.
-Energy: It is the power or power to do a job. Energy bars have recently proliferated, busy lifestyles and the recent consumer demand have led to the consumption of food and snacks as a quick source of nutrition.
-Antioxidant: They are chemical compounds that the human body uses to eliminate free radicals, which produces the oxidation of the cells and accelerate the aging of the body. An antioxidant is a molecule capable of retarding or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Prevent wear and excessive cell aging in situations of high energy demand such as stress, chronic diseases, great physical or mental or mental efforts or simply the passage of time.
Omega 3: They are polyunsaturated fatty acids (those that have more than one double bond between their carbons), in a simpler language they are a group of essential fatty acids for the human body and fundamental for life. Unfortunately, our body is not able to produce omega 3 fatty acids on its own.
These omega 3 acids are found mainly and in abundance in fatty fish such as sardines, anchovies and salmon.


Elaborate bars based on seeds and cereals in an artisanal way and without oven. Use economical and natural ingredients. Provide natural energy to the body



I realized that sometimes people do not have time to consume nutritious or cheap food, so I decided to produce my own energy bars demonstrating that they can be prepared in a healthy, practical and economical way.


If the energy bars are economical because they are made with seeds that one has at home, then it will be easier to consume them and achieve a better quality of life



Method (materials and procedure)

For the elaboration of our energy bars we rely on the scientific method; which is an ordered series of procedures, formed by rules and principles.
– 1 1/2 cup of oatmeal.
– 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds.
– 1/2 cup crushed almonds.
– 1/2 cup of chia.
– 1/2 cup of walnut.
– 1/2 cup of flaxseed.
– 1 cup of softened honey.
– 3 tablespoons of peanut butter without sugar.
– 1 container boul.
– 1 extended tray or square mold
-1 sheet of aluminum foil or wax paper of the size of the tray or the mold.
– Shovels or spoons.
– Knife
1. In the boul mix the peanut butter and honey until you get a smooth and liquid consistency.
2. Add the oats and seeds, mix well with the shovel to have a not very moist consistency.
3. Cover the tray or mold with waxed paper or aluminum.
4. Empty the mixture to the tray or mold and extend until it is completely covered.
5. We put the tray to the refrigerator to harden and compact everything and leave it for at least 4 hours.
6. We take out of the refrigerator cut into pictures and enjoy.
It is kept refrigerated for two weeks, it is recommended to reserve in plastic molds.


As a result of our project we obtain small square shaped snacks that we can enjoy at school, in the office, on the street and in our homes as a dessert.


When making our energy bars we do not use an oven, we only use a freezer. At first they were cloying but later not


According to what was investigated, we can conclude that homemade energy bars have a high content of nutrients, which our research yielded and we did not know, such as the benefits of chia.
I gave my relatives a taste of the bars and I could tell that they have a very nice and delicious flavor. Also, as a snack, it allows us without a problem to endure without eating food for approximately 2 to 3 hours; adequate time to get to consume our strongest foods. Without major problem they give us satiety.
I could see that they are economical, since each bar at the end cost us 3 pesos per piece to make it.


Illustrated encyclopedia summit.